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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for offering a free download option. I think this is good, because, Itch does not have a system to pay any further amount of money after you pay some money for a game, so I download it free, then, when the story is finished, I may pay 5 times more if I really like it. So instead of you getting $5, you may get $25. For games that you HAVE to pay for, I pay that amount, and then however much I loved the game, I can't pay anything more. So thanks again!

Only negative at the moment, is the MC's penis is ridiculously too big!


avn mc penis are often large because of the player fantasy of having one, and its easier to animate lewd scenes if its bigger

(1 edit)

Most AVN MC's have large penises, but the one in this game is 50% bigger again. It is anatomically impossible to give deep throat, or anal, for example. If it's too big as to be ridiculous, it makes the game funny and unimmersive!


I dont know about that it seems fine. Their reactions are hilarious and the art style makes it work.  Im very immersered in this one.  Have you seen being a diks guy? The community calls it the footlong lol. 


This one has some amazing character for us lol then MBML, so give this game a little time too yk.


Can you plays ep1-3 even if u download ep4


I'm a little confused about the play-order of the episodes.

As I understand it (by looking at the development log) there are 5 Episodes so far and you have remastered the first 2. Does that mean we're supposed to play Episodes 1+2 Remastered and then continue from Episode 3 to 5?

But there are Updates to Episode 3 and 4 that are newer than the last Update for Episode 5... Also, I can't seem to find a download for Episode 5, as the newest one seems to be Episode 4?

Sorry, i'd appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.

Btw, i have played all Episodes of MBIML and I LOVED every second of it. It's one of the best VNs i have ever played, along with Caribdis' Games. Good job, you've created an amazing game :)

Thanks in advance for any help <3


The latest episode 3 and 4 are part of Remastered LCC. There is no Remastered episode 5 atm.

(1 edit)

So at the moment, it's best to play Episode 1 to 4 and wait for 5 to be remastered?


At the moment? Yes. But currently Nii is focusing on MBML so it would take a while to play LCC Ep5.

Also, thing to note is that LCC Remastered is different from original. The game won't end at Episode 5. 

Alright, thanks for clarifying things for me :)


I know you've been busy with the updates on MBML Nii-chan and hope to see more on this one as well :D

Hi.I'm completely new to the LCC,haven't installed yet,i see its like a prequal to the MBML.Is it simply better to choose one of them since i havent played either one?

Neither of them are finished so far, but I found playing LCC first (not very long atm, just a few hours) helped me understand some context in MBML




So neither of the games are finished and are peripherally linked? 


Much more than peripheral really.  Lcc is 2 years before and the characters appear in mbml and some are important charaters in both

(1 edit)

i think you are supose to play this after my bully is my lover is done with updating and you played the full game. am i right or is this where the story contenues?

This is where the story starts, it takes place 2 years before MBML.

Wait hang on, but I can't play this game to the end rn. Does that mean new players are screwed?

Not quite, rework is very different from original and stay true with MBML story. Original was less serious than rework is. So whether you've played original or not doesn't really make a big difference. 

So if I play the rework as far as it's finished now I won't miss any details that I might need for MBML?

You don't need to play LCC in order to understand MBML story but yes, the current state of LCC is enough to give a basic idea of who these characters are. 


gatta catch them all☺

After playing through my bully, i really want to play it, but sadly my internet doesnt want my phone to download it... is it possible to get a mega download link? Those don't have issues with crappy internet... If not, I understand and will continue to try to download

Probably late but mirror links are available on F95. 


This helped SO much, thank you for this!


Absolutely in love with this VN. Any clues on the next update?

Is there fight scenes in this one?

Lots of martial arts?

Not a lot but there is fight scenes animated

seems like the main character may be more cool than the MC of My Bully is my Lover. And seems like the story would be more exciting. 

I don’t like how the mom and dad are killed and so nonchalantly at that :/


Any news on when we getting next ep ?

Some say it's better to play this before the MLMB. I wish I had known. I'll try this one and get caught up. Is the next EP the finale?


the LCC and MBML are related to in one story but niichan focus MBML first than LCC remake...not sure about the 3rd game upcoming relaese but i hope after the MBML chapter 2 ep.1 they update remake eps 5 and eps 6 in same time just hoping you can join in discord or wait for update in Twitter and Patreon 


I didn't know about this game, I honestly thought all the monster stuff in MBML was gonna be fully explained in that game. But I'm gonna try this one to see if I can get answers about the plot more here.

can i get a list of the songs used in the game ? i love them.

Really enjoying this one. The pacing just feels right.

SIR I will need an explaination for both these mf games cuz im going nuts trying to piece the story of these together. Played both games like 10 times and still NOT being able to figure out what the hell is going on behind the scenes. Jokes aside looking forward for the updates. Hopefully it all clears up after the next ones 💜


Big bad guy does big bad stuff. Look honestly I also can't tell.

Honestly given that neither is complete yet that should really be a surprise

But clearly it's interesting 

(2 edits)

In LLC is Claire (Owl) an RO? I am only asking because I think I saw some signs of her being one in the last update of MBML, when the MC finally learns about the clan existence. 

OH and keep up the good work your games are something else, can't wait for the next update!!!!!! 

Ep 5 seems pretty big as it's been almost 3months without any information on release date well more content we get to consume the better.

Wow it's been what almost 5 months then ?

Oh my naive past self never could have thought next update still isn't out

Great game! Only just downloaded this but it was captivating from the start to the current end. Looking forward to future updates!


are you somehow sharing the same universe as My Real Desire? I know this work share universe as My Bully, My Lover but when I saw Aine in My Real Desire, I think it should have the same universe too.


Blank screen after renpy page in vivo u20. Pls help

When will the next update come?

when will all the eps be remasterd?

Does anybody know what's the title of the Lo-fi music in Eliza's scenario's in the night? Really calming music. tried to shazam it. But no result :(. hope anyone can tell me ASAP. I really like the music in this game! especially the music in Nicole's h-scene! Great work Nii-chan!


played your other game - my bully is my lover and got surprised characters here also show up there.

(2 edits) (+1)

Good job dear NiiChan. I follow your work on My Bully is My Lover, and both stories are very good. Characters with many layers, like an onion. I leave here my congratulations.

Well, I noticed in this story that Eliza's 1/4 and 2/4 scenes, if you pull the trigger to get 1/4 (Hallway), ou can't get 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, If you pull the trigger to get 2/4 (Near the kitchen), the following triggers appear normally. If you choose right from there, Zoey's two scenes are guaranteed. All that remains is to restart to get Eliza's 1/4 scene.

Episode 5 when

please make episode 5

Because I haven’t tried it in iOS before I I download it my android devices

I ask a question guys which version works on iOS like iPhone 6 to iPhone 11 please answer me thank you and advance

Is there an option to see whose path is still active and whose has ended? Because i dont know who is still active and whose is not?

Can someone help me please? I'm very confused on how to get the three Eliza's scenes after the first one.

when you got to choose which bathroom you wanna use don't use the hallway cause that gonna end your path with Eliza, use the one near kitchen to follow the Eliza path.

Thank you so much. If I knew that was going to close off with my path with Sky-I mean Eliza, I wouldn't have proceeded. I guess I have to start my playthrough over. Thanks alot.

This makes me oh so sad.

I have to reset.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

For NiiChan, this game is 💎 not gonna lie, I got suprise when they start fighting I was like 😮 speechless in the other hand, the story is so interesting that I don't wanna end the chapter 4, I'm shock when it's the game you need to kill, action, etc. And idk why but that's excites me a lot, and when I first seen Claire I was like ( ohhh she's beautiful)I thought she's gonna be one of the harem but it seems like no, I'm angry to her now after completing the latest chapter:), for me over all it's 9.5/10 dunno why I'm rating this game maybe just because I loved it XD, just wanna let you know I love your games, thanks NiiChan for providing this GOLD💌.

Please tell me you plan to continue this game! It's AWESOME!

Is this game still ongoing? Or the story is done?


Story is not even close to complete. NiiChan is devving 2 games, this one and My Bully My Lover, and I don't know which order he's releasing updates to these two, but both are being updated for sure.

Fight scenes woooooot!!!

I'm loving the fight scenes :v u better keep it up man!

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