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hi i liked this game a lot i came from vid of mxr they tried it and after them i downloaded it and i loved it a lot but i was wondering when will the next episode drop out and will it be one or two episodes and if it will be the end of the story


Hi, I came from MxR.

Is it true that Sky is a futanari?
I don't wanna cross lightsaber with my padawan...


Nope. Though she's Olfactophilia, a person who gets aroused by body smell of the opposite sex.


That, I noticed, good sir.

Very nice. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

When is the next update coming I latterly can't wait. What an amazing game!

Yeah Dev, I'd definitely want to know the same tooo

It will be uploaded about a month or so be patience : )

Episode 3 will be out in public before the months ends.

Cool, We are eagerly waiting to know what happens next in the story....


I just went back and played through My Bully is My Lover again after playing Life Changing Choices and so many connections were made with background information on some of the other characters. Definitely recommend playing LCC first if you haven't played MBML yet. I look forward to updates on both!


Bro I just finished playing the game and it's owsome I like the graphiqs the animation is good but some times it lages but it's ook and of course I won't forget the music it OP please release the next as soon as possible 

And I have one question when you release the up-date should I just open the game and it will be up-dated by it self or should I unistall the game and download it from the beggining ????? 


BTW I play on android

Here's what I can advice if your playing on android, since you will have to uninstall the old version before installing the new update.

get your save files from Android>data>com.niichan.mbml>files>saves

copy your saves folder to anywhere you want  to place it. Then uninstall the old version and install the new one. Open the game for bit, then close it. proceed to place the copied save files to the original location, and your good to go.

ook thnx

But when the next episode


It will be this month. I don't tend to give an exact release date to people as I don't want to put unnecessary pressure on my self.

ook I cant wait for the next episode

Does anyone know the song that is played in the main menu?

Typhoon - Ehrling


I also want to know the one for Sky's event in Episode 2, idk why but it sounds really good imo

On what part of the event?

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Where they get initmate in the water I think.

Make me feel - Terma & Lily Hain


Man this is awesome! First adult game (or whatever is this genre called) ever that actually made me download it and try it myself and that is not full of girls with enormous boobas only. So far I love the story and characters. And I already know I will be sad when it ends like with most games/tv series I like. :D Can't wait for another episode. Btw Aine is POGGERS, 100% wife material.


This is amazing! Is there any timetable for when we can expect episode 3?


With in this month. I suggest you join the discord server, Cuz I post status updates about the development there from time to time.

May I ask where I could find a link to the discord?

I can't seem to find one of the scenes for Sky, even after trying different choices?


That would probably just the 2nd option for her swim wear. XD

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Much obliged! XD


This has some Masamune-kun's revenge vibes to it

Extra extra man of culture I see here

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does it include episode 1



niichan i came from mxr i just want to say that this game has interesting story im interested of how its gonna progress and imma check life changing choices too big ups to you for creating this games i could only imagine the time it takes to make this i approved 

How do i install it from maga?

Wait for it to finish downloading and you should be able to extract it if you're using PC. or install it on android


Do you happen to have a log or documentation of the music you used? Some of the songs like "Typhoon" were easy to find but there were some like "Tryout" that I couldn't seem to find. Great job on the game by the way!


There were three soundtracks that were made solely for the game, Tryout was one of them.

I cant get the game to work

What's the issue?

whenever i go to run the application it says I'm missing something


i got it to work

how did you get it to run as i have the same issue?

i made a separate folder when i extracted the zip


For those who came from MxR Plays. Most of you probably don't know that I have another game called Life Changing Choices. As it currently stands it's not that great compared to MBML and has a darker background, it's still worth to play. I suggest that you guys play it as well as both games are connected to each other.


Wowwww, gonna play it right now \o/

thanks for the heads up ;)


its against the jedi code


The Star Wars game I didn't know I was looking for.


Just don't mistreat your padawan. Or should I say Panda-wan?


Why would I mistreat her? I'm sexually attracted to her, and I know she's sexually attracted to me.


I absolutely love this game. Actually the first eroge I've played but I enjoyed every second of it!
I found out about it thanks to Youtube channel MxRplays and I'm really grateful!


Ayy fellow crusader!


Deus Vult


Is there an actual 'revenge' plot in some way or is the MC just a pathetic dweeb that lets the people that hurt him get away with it and instead helps/forgives them? If the latter, then that's very disappointing and I would say makes the game far more cliched and boring. If there is a choice that actually has a real conclusion that fulfills the revenge, then that would make for a great game.

It's a complex of those two options. The MC is a geniuenly good human being who is mature to let go of the past, but you, as the player can choose whether you forgive the bully, or you take revange. But you have to understand that every girl has some kind of depth to her, I won't spoil but every girl is best girl in some field. For me personaly, Sky is the best.

Does sky have a bigger Light-saber

No she doesn't XD

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You won't get literal revenge, but you have the option to go hard on the three girls in terms of H-scenes in the future. 

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Wow making 2 games thats really amazing. Great games btw.


Ngl i wanted to shotgun your face when that "to be continued" popped up hahahahaha. 

Good one. You had me there 👏👏👏

My work is done! *flies away* XD


Hey Dev,

Can you please let us know when is the next update of LCC & MBML is going to released??? Can't wait.... I'm sure it's going to be awesome....!!!

Really like the game and even though I’ve finished with the current release I still open it up just to listen to main menu music

unfortunately does not work in sad 


VPN my dude... the three magic letters. Just find a reliable one on your app store and the problem is solved.


MBML and LCC Teaser:

A character appearing in both games!(MBML - LI, LCC - Side char)
Who's that? Aine and........ who knows....
Let's find out at the upcoming LCC update.

After playing the 2nd chapter of MBML I noticed said character or I should say characters that are from LCC and I wonder, assuming that they are there, are both worlds the same? if so I wonder if you'll make them connect on a deeper way, but to be fair  I am doubting so to not break the story. But loved with the little wink there, could be funny that both MC's would meet even if if just like an easter egg or such.

Some characters such as Jess have an important role in there. Yes, both worlds are connected, but it won't be too much. Pretty much just cameos of characters from LCC and a little bit of connection from the story as MBML has it's own flare.

For now I like this game but there are a few issues,

1. Female models. While I like this style, there are situations where they  look strange. Couple of times it looked like the girl was not wearing a bra, while you could see bra straps on shoulders. Maybe cloth texture was too close and it overlaped or something.

2. Topic of bullying is rather serious and as victim, while playing it, i experienced a lot more pain than MC described. It made me wonder what kind of suffering he went through. It is mentioned in ep 2. Turns out it was rather light, at least comparing to my experience. Which also explains why MC is rather lenient in his interaction with those girls.

Also, what I like probably the most is how dev approaches tragic events in the past. Here and the other game(more serious and tragic compared to this) whatever happened, is mentioned in an overall way, without naming exact situation. Kinda like eating chocolate icecream. It is obvious how it looks, but as long as no one mentions it, it tastes great.

And I'm very glad for this, as otherwise I would delete both titles right away and tried to forget another great games.

I said "for now", as I hope both games will progress in a light, enjoyable way.


I love this game

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Just beautiful!

I need more, but I know Ep2 just came out, so I will be patient.

The story is absolutely the most romantic and gut wrenching Ive played so far, maybe its just me or maybe it has to do with the great choices of music for each scene? Probably both.

The music adds so much and I found myself jamming out on more then one occasion.

I also have to admit that I legit cried during the beach scene.. the combination of romantic atmosphere and music just hit me.

Fantastic job so far, big ups!

Great game, but I do think there should be an option to not be so forgiving in the beginning. But overall I cant wait for the next episode!

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I just loaded up my backed up save file and Sky has been reset to roommate. Is there a way to get around this without restarting?

Got this error when comforting Aine after returning from work.

You'll have to start over at the very beginning if you're getting that error.

Ah I see, what did I miss in this case? A line of dialogue? Or a whole conversation? 


Public release for Part 2 is ready on my Patreon Page. I can't put it up here atm due to an emergency.

Does this game has incest? If yes, what type?


Landlady - roommate

you already know what it is


Anyone else find it a little unnerving/off-putting when a group of characters would blink at exactly the same time?

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Honestly im still at the start of what it is but pretty solid. I played "Life Changing Choices" first and honestly the Clash of names and characters are pretty scary making me thing what if they were in the same universe. Dont think so but ye its making me a tad confused.

EDIT: THIS IS THE PLOT OF MASAMUNE KUN NO REVENGE. BUT I LOVE IT. Not the arranged marriage part, but piggy and the silent girl knowing???? its just so similar.


i only start the game and........EHRLING TYPHOON as song??? U RE A FUCKING GEENIUS MAN.....


Vibin' :3

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I had a nice time with it. Even though right now it's only the first part, now it has me wondering how many parts there are to the whole thing. I was surprised by the ending and everything and about the proposal and arranged marriage. Then again, if I may suggest there it seems like she is being forced to marry. Which there is a big difference between Arranged Marriage and Forced Marriage. In an Arranged Marriage each individual has the power to refuse. In a Forced Arranged Marriage individuals are neither consulted nor have any say before the marriage. It is also viewed as a form of human rights abuse. So maybe there could be ways for you not to marry her and she would not marry.

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That is right. But let's wait till the story fleshes out more.  

Like my 1st game, there will be 2 parts each episode.


Historically arranged marriages were forced marriages, especially for the women. It's only more recently that they became more optional (last couple hundred years of so).

True, true. I think arranged marriages could work as long both people have a say in the matter.


Honestly an...interesting premise. Pretty bare bones right now but its obviously the first upload; hopefully (and its weird to say this considering the topic of the game) the pace of the relationships kind of slows down once the core relationships come out. In the main day you really just have 2 romantic interactions (albeit one in a flashback) followed up by a third "confession" and a second-hand proposal. I dont know about anyone else but I'd be pretty winded after that. 

Side note, whatever company sells red undereye makeup must have some AGGRESSIVE marketing to this town; and poor Sky. She breaks her back to cook for 5 people at the currents day end in a kitchen with only an oven and sink (and the mysterious 7th romanceable character, the unplugged kitchen lamp).

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