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What i liked most is reference to One Punch Man. That was hilarious.

And the humor in this game is realy good. I see that author put a lot of effort.


I'm really going to be addicted to this kind of game with a deep plot. Can someone recommend something similar to it to me?


Eternum, if you really like story

. Yes, I have already played this and I really like it. The Eternal World is indeed a very good workDo you have any other recommendations for me?

Ripples by Jestur

This is indeed a great work, but I have also played it before. Can you tell me more about it?

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Mmm Pale Carnation? Have you played it? If not, I should warn you that it's a bit more depraved than other games.

You can also try Wartribe Academy, Oppai Odyssey, Goddess Whim, Phoenixes, Lewd Town Adventures, similar to Pale Carnations but more of a sandbox type.

Harem Hotel, The Headmaster it just doesn't have the harem story and it's not romantic since you are the director of a university, but the plot is very good.

Out of Touch by Story Anon is a very awesome, stroy heavy VN i can recommend.

. Thank you for promoting the drama, but there's a question. I'm not very good at using itching. If I only have the game name, I don't know how to search. I can't directly find the game by entering the game name. It seems that only bookmarks can be entered in the search box, and I don't quite understand how to use them

I feel you, it's kinda annoying.  Search on google for it and you'll  find it.. eventually with behind.

Shale Hill Secrets and Double Homework

My old account was hacked with spam links, causing me to be kicked from the Discord server. I just created a new account. Admin, can you unban me and let me in? My name is N.K

Music is nice to listen to 

Why on earth is the music in this such a bop. it has no right being that good, i love it

Pro it's the best game i ever played and I discovered everything that was possible but why no sex scenes dick for the main character --the girl is bully---

I am on android and the game keeps crashing so its unplayable for me does anyone have tips?

Android version?


No,i mean what version is your android phone is, is it android 11? cuz android 11 has a weird security system that makes some game force close and wont let you play it for no reason


this is damn masterpiece

i found this game and thought it was some random porn game but i was wrong its more than that

the characters, story, music and graphics

laughed lot of times and now that i finished the newest update i'm gonna wait and stay with u to the day you complete this masterpiece (i will try to support u on patreon)

you are the best


Pro its the best of my very much games i played and i look forward to updates *-*

If anyone guys know names of games like this please recommend me it ^_^

Can someone tell me is this game going to complete or not , please


it's a pretty disorganized project so the game will probably be completed, but it will take quite a while. I do believe the author is a one man army so naturally it would take longer.

Please i want the true end of Gwen storyyyy !!!! ASAP MORE ABOUT GWEN  PLS

Progressing update?.. I'm liking this story more like it...i want to know what will be this story ends...wich means kei and moon story...and the rest of characters..and how about lily? scene actually..

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how do i get aines scenes i only have 1 and freyas last scene

You remastered the game?

Chat, this might be MCR reference 🗣️🔥

No matter how many times i play this game, it's never fail to spread my legs,i mean, it's never fail to make me Shed a tear

So I must say the story is developing so well! 

I started off reading most of the comments here before diving in and man y'all were right about the possible waterworks that would ensue, it's such a captivating visual novel. And that final part so far I had a feeling that was the case, but man what a cliffhanger to hold on. Ready for the next update so glad I stumbled on someone's recommendation for this one definitely in my top 5 for stories. 

Do you have any similar games recommended to me?

Eternum is my number 1

Stranded in space

If you want a more anime style I highly recommend Goddesses Whim 

There's so many Ive played I forgot most names 😅

But that's a good selection for now

. Thank you for your recommendation, Eternal World. I have already played it and it's really great. I will try the other two you mentioned

wtf,this shit caught me of guard💀

First, let's say there was much more content that I had anticipated; pleasant surprise. After about 30 minutes, though, to be honest, I thought 'I don't think I'm gonna play that one much longer.' A bit too much over the top in some aspects and not really interesting for me. Then, I got to know more of the characters, their back stories, their relations with Kei..., and I really started to enjoy it. I'm sure many people would say that it's too slow, that it doesn't have enough sex scenes..., but that's just the kind of game I prefer. I am really not in the '2 lines, sex scene, 3 lines, sex scene...' and almost no story, so ya,  I prefer this style (focus on the characters, their interactions, their evolution). TBH, though, the 'back story' is not what kept me playing but I guess it had to be there so... After having been caught by a certain character's backstory, I have to admit that I wished for a happy ending with her and I got it (ya, I cried a bit at the end). Anyway, great work IMHO, and thanks for many hours of fun. 

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What a nice game!!!!!!!

How to install the Android version of the apk???

Can you make an integrated installation package?

Bro this game makes me emotional, not many games can do that. I'll be waiting for the next update

Hi umm great game.. Anyway Im pretty sure the guy with question mark as its name is definitely the MC in sicae and so does that mean sicae was before mbml? Im honestly confused. 

yes sicae takes place before MLIMB dont know how long tho

I see, thanks. 


game was peak 10/10 waiting for the next update 

Doesn't work on the App, just opens a folder.

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