Our MVP!(Moon's Valuable Player) in this latest update! But she has the saddest backstory until present while Emma still the best backstory yet. Moon, Emma, Kei and Shu still the best character followed by Gwen.
I just finished Emma’s solo path ending in My Bully is My Lover, and I’m emotionally drained. I never expected to feel this way or to actually cry while playing something that I initially saw as an interesting alternative to Porn. But wow, what a game and what a story. It was intense, deep, and so, so beautiful. I’ll definitely need a long break before I can start any of the other paths because… damn, that was powerful.
I just felt like I needed to share my thoughts right after playing—it’s been a long time since I was this emotional. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend it.
How can I make the gallery have none of the scenes unlocked? I played this game like 2 years ago, forgot everything and want to start again but the gallery is alsomt completely unlocked.
I tried deleting the games AppData folder as well as the savedata inside the game folder, even went as far as to delete the "gallery" files in the game folder. Nothing worked.
First of all, my English isn't very good, so I need to rely on a translator, which might make what I say sound a bit strange. Secondly, I discovered this game during a low point in my life, and I must say, the vibrant characters, the nuanced emotions, the well-placed text, and the story really encouraged me. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn't encountered this game. Lastly, I love all the characters in this work (except for a few villains), I love the story, and I love all the music in it. Thank you very much, NiiChan. I appreciate you creating such an amazing work.
I absolutely enjoy this game, the writing and humor is well thought out and the reasoning behind WHY you were bullied is surprisingly understandable. It takes a few odd turns, but most often those plot twists help progress the story in a good direction. That being said, I have only three real criticisms, all of which are related to Sky / Klara.
Note these are personal preferences and not a criticism of people who enjoy those genres.
(Potential Spoilers, OBVIOUSLY, so continue reading at your own risk)
1. How you define the relationship for Klara and Sky. With no real contectual dialog changes, it can break emersion when people are 'shocked' you are having sex with your roomate. All of the consequences / reactions to continuing down the 'roommate' and 'landlord' route are very ovbiously written as though you are related to Klara and Sky. This annoyed me and I personally just gave up and set them as Sister / Mother considering everyone treated them as relatives regardless.
2. Sex scenes that you have no agency to decide whether or not you will participate. Even if these mandatory sex scenes are contained within flashbacks, not having the power to choose slightly annoyed me. In both cases they dramatically change the relationship dynamic, so I do understand to some extent. I suppose stems from one of the mandatory sex scenes being incest related. Though the removal of agency for in the other still irked me.
3. Speaking of a mandatory sex scenes, having a second incest sex scene be required if you wish to FULLY explore a different character's route seems odd to me. Anyone who wishes to fully explore Gwen's route must have sex on the beach with their sister. This feels bad for those who wish to experience Gwen's story but are not fond of incest. I would much rather Sky's beach date to be allowed the choice between platonic / sexual to allow Gwen's route to not force incest, if desired.
I understand that all three of the above criticisms are nitpicking, with the first one being nearly impossible to fix (requiring developing large amounts of additional dialog to differentiate between sister / roommate). The game is well thought out and I am thoroughly looking forward to Chapter 2!
i'm sure you have caught on to this but just to be sure cause you seem to think there is suppose to be a distinction between roommate/landlady and sister/mother. but it's basically code in adult visual novels cause if they try and sell a game with incest things like itchi and patreon will remove their content. it's basically just the universal work around and if seen should just been assumed it's incest.
kinda in the same way an anime might have characters to go to "wacdonalds" for burger and fries. we all know what it really is but it makes it legal distinct enough to get around the drama that comes with it.
i get that's not everyone's cup tea but if you go into it not expecting that your setting your self up for unrealistic expectations.
i understand your not trying to tear this game down over it or anything and i actually haven't played this yet but i plan to soon. but it seems a bit odd that if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck to be annoyed when it turned out to be a duck.
I appreciate the reply and I do see you point as incest is a taboo that can turn many potential customers off from purchasing. That is why I only word my criticism as an 'annoyance'. I personally enjoy My Bully is my Lover, it is one of my favorite AVNs. For me, like with everything I enjoy I (personally) have things with it I would think would make it better and merely voiced them in that comment.
Truth is, I believe the main reason roommate / landlady are coded identically as sister / mother is because of the added development time and has nothing to do with Patreon / itchi removing content. The reason I say this is just 'search' the term incest on itchi and you will find a lot of games with explicit incest content.
Having different dialog / renders for sister / mother and roommate / landlady could dramatically increase the word count, which would increase development / testing time. The realistic solution is how MBML (and most other AVNs) implements it and just has a relationship option with identical dialog / renders and calls it a day. For me this observation / criticism isn't exclusive to MBM as I am annoyed, but understanding when it is in any AVN (not just MBML) with this functionality.
yeah i got the feeling it wasn't a deal breaker or anything and you are right that if they could they would have dialogue for both but it's too much work. but i have been around the block enough times to know it is a whole legal thing about putting incest in.
granted i don't know why itchi and patreon don't use an equal hand for all things like that but i have seen a fair share of them either be deleted from the platform or have to edit the game in such a way that their is enough ambiguity. a lot even do it just to not take any risks at all cause it's an easy addition at the start and cuts off any drama.
most that have issues like that will tend to use an "unofficial" patch that weirdly lines up perfectly since they already have attention on them.
kind of in the same way you might see react channels on youtube using the legal 10 minutes of a show but still fighting strikes all the time but only for certain properties.
i even took a quick peek on their rules and guidelines for adult content just to be sure yes depicting incest is one of them at least for patreon anyway.
i'm sure the author has no issue if you would rather them not be incest and being able to pick that but that being one of the fetishes they are going for it has to be pretty explicit in the dialog and they can't have it both ways.
all i'm saying is i have yet to see a game where where they use the set your roommate's and landlady's role and not have the dialog be clear it's incest. so going in without those expectations is wishful thinking on your part.
i feel like i'm going a bit overboard with this cause at the end of the day i don't think anyone is truly upset here. just thought it was odd that you would think that meant other wise and wanted to clear that up.
It's all good and perhaps in my original post I came on too strong and made it appear I was diametrically opposed to the game, that is definitely not the case.
The only game I can think of that has dialog toggle is Genex Love, where it lets you change your relationship status and clarify whether or not you are blood related (and dialog changes based on blood relation toggle). But you are correct that is the exception, almost all AVN use Roommate / Landlady as a mere legal work around.
Regardless I appreciate your clarification on Itch / Patreon's legal terms regarding incest. That was something I was not aware of.
this is gonna be a bit off topic but i thought your profile pick was an owl till i clicked the notification and saw it up close lol.
and nah you were not coming off too strong or anything it was just me being ocd when i saw something that seemed odd to me.
also slightly off topic genex love is a game i had my eye on but wasn't sure if i should try, do you recommend that? i can't remember from where but i got the impression you can miss content if your not on the ball about it and i hate having to be on the ball or do homework to make sure i don't miss anything but the page it had did looks interesting.
I have just finished playing the game . I really enjoyed the story and character developments 90% of the time up to the final episode where i did not like the idea of Deities resurrection. The final episode looks like a sci-fi game rather than Slice Of Life.
The game is still amazing though. My favourite girls are Aine and Gwen. Since the title of the game involve Aine, Gwen and Emma so i hope both Aine and Gwen also get their own solo ending like Emma's.
Can't wait for next chapter. Donation has been made to support NiiChan and the game
Originally, I played adult games because I had sexual desire, but this game made me feel love. it was full of love, and the sex scene was just a better embellishment. after playing this game, I became more restrained because I saw the meaning of life. Thank you to the author. I was very touched during the playing. When I have the financial ability after graduation, I will certainly sponsor the author.
Ok honest opinion here but story is kinda bad. I remember playing this game a year ago but couldn't remember why I dropped it. It took me about 10 minuets of playing to remind me why. The choices you make are irrelevant. It's not a choice based game, it's a story that, regardless of how you want it to go, forces you to take one path.
*slight spoilers ahead*
-Forces you to forgive your bully
-Forces you to accept your characters privacy being stepped on by Emma
-Choices don't really matter
To top it off, the MC just accepts everything he is told...like he is a robot rather than a human with emotions. Like who just forgives and forgets this crap.
Anyways, this is a story (or more specifically MC) you will either hate or love and I'm, unfortunately, am on the hating side.
p.s. -never finished the game so don't know if it actually gets good (which is why first impressions are EVERYTHING)
It doesn't force you to forgive her, you can literally not be with the girl but that way you don't get any scenes with her and it doesn't make sense to forgive her either, if she didn't bully the MC then her mother who is a mafia would have hurt her friend and the MC himself in a worse way.
“Choices don't matter” You can literally even have an ending with Emma and decide which girl to keep, what did you expect DnD?
I understand that it is your opinion as you put it but it still seems too over the top to me to get to the point of “hate”.
If you want freedom of decisions play DnD, pathfinder or Baldurs Gate, if you want visual novel I only know Superhuman which has like 60 endings.
I probably should have been a bit more specific when I said "Choices don't really matter". What I mean was that the choices solely revolved around the potential relationships rather then the story (from what I played). Based on the comments the MC was making when he first reunited with the bully, it seemed like he wasn't really upset with her which confused and irritated me. I didn't want to forgive her but it felt like the game was telling and kind of forcing you to do so. Also, Emma invading you privacy by investigating you behind your back and then convincing the "Landlady" for them to live there for her own selfish reasons made me mad, not because of what she did, but how the MC reacted to it. It was like he was alright with her doing that. The game just kept throwing irritating scenario after irritating scenario at me, and considering I was playing to have fun and not just spend the entire playthrough angry, I decided to drop it. Like I mentioned before, I never beat the game or got too far to begin with so maybe it got better, but first impressions are everything and I got irritated enough to not care for what the future had.
Usually I play Adult games for horny and sexy moments, and yes there is A LOT in this one. But all I feel is love, pure love, which I have been seeking for and wonder if I may be lucky enough to have one of these angles in my arms. What I read from this stroy is saving and forgiveness, my friend you shuld write some novels, these game making things are slowing you down LOL. For a moment I felt like reading a masterpiece, you are incredable. However, too many information especially at the beginning could be a little bit sleepy, so maybe some jump scares or funny moments when it happens again? Oh and this is the first time I have seen taking harem as a noticeable topic and focus on how the girls would feel and react to this, you made a perfect solution for them to accept it, impressive.
but anyways a fantastic game, the story execution was fire bro, peak writing, god tier animation, goated characters and great cameos.
i really liked how i realized that they're the same universe as another goated game(ifykyk). i must say the story was amazing, how it went from a simple plot such as bullying to connection to the mafia, it unfolded very well. i must say the way you unfold sicae's story to this is wonderful.
one of a hell to write a story Mr. NiiChan, keep up the good work. can't wait for the new Sicae update!
The sex scenes with Sky, Aine, Gwen, and Moon are my favorites so far, but I'm hoping to see some with Lily and Klara. Visuals for the sex scenes are excellent, including the movements and panning the "camera" between different angles. The only recommendation I would make is to consider adding bodily sounds or moans to the sex scenes, as this would enhance the experience, though the scenes are still great without it. Donation made.
If the overview sounds boring, play it anyway. It covers only part of the prologue, then shit gets WILD. I'm honestly not even sure what is going on anymore, but I love the characters, so in for a penny...
God, I just finished the prologue but damm it's a really good game. Emy's back story made me cry for real. I also love the references to other games. Now, there's a whole multiverse map in my head between these games. That said, keep up the good work man. I'll support you when i can.
I dont really understand the chaptering. Download says Ch1 Ep4 so I expected it to end after Episode 4, but in the game I already started Episode 6, so how does it work? :D
This game is structured as the following: A. Prologue, which contains Episode 1 - 7, and a choice that decides whether you'd like to continue the main story or go into Emma's solo endings (as of Sept 2024)
B. Chapter 1, which follows to Prologue's Episode 7. Chapter 1 contains 4 episodes. Thus, as of Sept 2024, Chapter 1 EP4 is the latest update.
Chapter 2 is planned but dev is working on his other game, Sicae, which basically the prequel to the MBML universe timeline.
This game giving me real thrill about the story because the end was not expected seriously looking forward to it l love plot twist scenario hahaha do your best buddy we love you so much and thanks for making this masterpiece ♥️🔥😼
I really loved the story, but I don't understand the ending, idk if there's a reason why but I feel like at least Leah's ending, which is the only one I got, is perfect and then the very last scene is like... Why add this now, I feel like it undermines the whole game in a way.
But it's still great, all the story relating to Emma is just amazing, one of the only games where I didn't even consider going for the harem ending lmao, and I regret nothing.
Holy shit. I just finished part 1 of Chapter 1 Episode 1 and dear god. That was fucking phenomenal. I was skeptical at first, everything I read all across the internet said this game was outstanding. I wasn't skeptical about that, I could tell it was gonna be good just from looking at it and playing Sicae.
But they also said it was very emotional. That is what I was skeptical about but after experiencing Emma's story and reaching the previously mentioned point in the main story… I shouldn't have been skeptical at all. Holy shit did that throw me through every emotion possible, even brought me to tears a couple times too either frowning or smiling.
I will definitely be finishing this one when it comes out same with Sicae. 10/10
I think so. My game said it was updated but title screen stated it was episode 3. I uninstalled and installed the newest APK and it seems to have the latest except my progress is wiped
Truly a masterpiece, I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to play this game, thank you for making the game, I truly had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with it.
This is definitely the coolest game I have ever played and my favorite game. Thank you very much Niichan, we love you. Although my current income is not enough for me to sponsor, sorry.
← Return to game
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Broooo I was NOT expecting to find alexandra from eternum in this game. Such a nice surprise!
Once again, thank you Nii chan! I'm satisfied that coach from Eternum got beaten up :>
Our MVP!(Moon's Valuable Player) in this latest update! But she has the saddest backstory until present while Emma still the best backstory yet. Moon, Emma, Kei and Shu still the best character followed by Gwen.
Moon > Claire
I praise to you, the GOAT, Nii-Chan!
I just finished Emma’s solo path ending in My Bully is My Lover, and I’m emotionally drained. I never expected to feel this way or to actually cry while playing something that I initially saw as an interesting alternative to Porn. But wow, what a game and what a story. It was intense, deep, and so, so beautiful. I’ll definitely need a long break before I can start any of the other paths because… damn, that was powerful.
I just felt like I needed to share my thoughts right after playing—it’s been a long time since I was this emotional. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend it.
I am the same with you
How can I make the gallery have none of the scenes unlocked? I played this game like 2 years ago, forgot everything and want to start again but the gallery is alsomt completely unlocked.
I tried deleting the games AppData folder as well as the savedata inside the game folder, even went as far as to delete the "gallery" files in the game folder. Nothing worked.
First of all, my English isn't very good, so I need to rely on a translator, which might make what I say sound a bit strange. Secondly, I discovered this game during a low point in my life, and I must say, the vibrant characters, the nuanced emotions, the well-placed text, and the story really encouraged me. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn't encountered this game. Lastly, I love all the characters in this work (except for a few villains), I love the story, and I love all the music in it. Thank you very much, NiiChan. I appreciate you creating such an amazing work.
Where do u get all your copyright free music from
Some BGM are bangers (the cuphead x undertale one)
I absolutely enjoy this game, the writing and humor is well thought out and the reasoning behind WHY you were bullied is surprisingly understandable. It takes a few odd turns, but most often those plot twists help progress the story in a good direction. That being said, I have only three real criticisms, all of which are related to Sky / Klara.
Note these are personal preferences and not a criticism of people who enjoy those genres.
(Potential Spoilers, OBVIOUSLY, so continue reading at your own risk)
1. How you define the relationship for Klara and Sky. With no real contectual dialog changes, it can break emersion when people are 'shocked' you are having sex with your roomate. All of the consequences / reactions to continuing down the 'roommate' and 'landlord' route are very ovbiously written as though you are related to Klara and Sky. This annoyed me and I personally just gave up and set them as Sister / Mother considering everyone treated them as relatives regardless.
2. Sex scenes that you have no agency to decide whether or not you will participate. Even if these mandatory sex scenes are contained within flashbacks, not having the power to choose slightly annoyed me. In both cases they dramatically change the relationship dynamic, so I do understand to some extent. I suppose stems from one of the mandatory sex scenes being incest related. Though the removal of agency for in the other still irked me.
3. Speaking of a mandatory sex scenes, having a second incest sex scene be required if you wish to FULLY explore a different character's route seems odd to me. Anyone who wishes to fully explore Gwen's route must have sex on the beach with their sister. This feels bad for those who wish to experience Gwen's story but are not fond of incest. I would much rather Sky's beach date to be allowed the choice between platonic / sexual to allow Gwen's route to not force incest, if desired.
I understand that all three of the above criticisms are nitpicking, with the first one being nearly impossible to fix (requiring developing large amounts of additional dialog to differentiate between sister / roommate). The game is well thought out and I am thoroughly looking forward to Chapter 2!
i'm sure you have caught on to this but just to be sure cause you seem to think there is suppose to be a distinction between roommate/landlady and sister/mother. but it's basically code in adult visual novels cause if they try and sell a game with incest things like itchi and patreon will remove their content. it's basically just the universal work around and if seen should just been assumed it's incest.
kinda in the same way an anime might have characters to go to "wacdonalds" for burger and fries. we all know what it really is but it makes it legal distinct enough to get around the drama that comes with it.
i get that's not everyone's cup tea but if you go into it not expecting that your setting your self up for unrealistic expectations.
i understand your not trying to tear this game down over it or anything and i actually haven't played this yet but i plan to soon. but it seems a bit odd that if something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck to be annoyed when it turned out to be a duck.
I appreciate the reply and I do see you point as incest is a taboo that can turn many potential customers off from purchasing. That is why I only word my criticism as an 'annoyance'. I personally enjoy My Bully is my Lover, it is one of my favorite AVNs. For me, like with everything I enjoy I (personally) have things with it I would think would make it better and merely voiced them in that comment.
Truth is, I believe the main reason roommate / landlady are coded identically as sister / mother is because of the added development time and has nothing to do with Patreon / itchi removing content. The reason I say this is just 'search' the term incest on itchi and you will find a lot of games with explicit incest content.
Having different dialog / renders for sister / mother and roommate / landlady could dramatically increase the word count, which would increase development / testing time. The realistic solution is how MBML (and most other AVNs) implements it and just has a relationship option with identical dialog / renders and calls it a day. For me this observation / criticism isn't exclusive to MBM as I am annoyed, but understanding when it is in any AVN (not just MBML) with this functionality.
yeah i got the feeling it wasn't a deal breaker or anything and you are right that if they could they would have dialogue for both but it's too much work. but i have been around the block enough times to know it is a whole legal thing about putting incest in.
granted i don't know why itchi and patreon don't use an equal hand for all things like that but i have seen a fair share of them either be deleted from the platform or have to edit the game in such a way that their is enough ambiguity. a lot even do it just to not take any risks at all cause it's an easy addition at the start and cuts off any drama.
most that have issues like that will tend to use an "unofficial" patch that weirdly lines up perfectly since they already have attention on them.
kind of in the same way you might see react channels on youtube using the legal 10 minutes of a show but still fighting strikes all the time but only for certain properties.
i even took a quick peek on their rules and guidelines for adult content just to be sure yes depicting incest is one of them at least for patreon anyway.
i'm sure the author has no issue if you would rather them not be incest and being able to pick that but that being one of the fetishes they are going for it has to be pretty explicit in the dialog and they can't have it both ways.
all i'm saying is i have yet to see a game where where they use the set your roommate's and landlady's role and not have the dialog be clear it's incest. so going in without those expectations is wishful thinking on your part.
i feel like i'm going a bit overboard with this cause at the end of the day i don't think anyone is truly upset here. just thought it was odd that you would think that meant other wise and wanted to clear that up.
It's all good and perhaps in my original post I came on too strong and made it appear I was diametrically opposed to the game, that is definitely not the case.
The only game I can think of that has dialog toggle is Genex Love, where it lets you change your relationship status and clarify whether or not you are blood related (and dialog changes based on blood relation toggle). But you are correct that is the exception, almost all AVN use Roommate / Landlady as a mere legal work around.
Regardless I appreciate your clarification on Itch / Patreon's legal terms regarding incest. That was something I was not aware of.
this is gonna be a bit off topic but i thought your profile pick was an owl till i clicked the notification and saw it up close lol.
and nah you were not coming off too strong or anything it was just me being ocd when i saw something that seemed odd to me.
also slightly off topic genex love is a game i had my eye on but wasn't sure if i should try, do you recommend that? i can't remember from where but i got the impression you can miss content if your not on the ball about it and i hate having to be on the ball or do homework to make sure i don't miss anything but the page it had did looks interesting.
I have just finished playing the game . I really enjoyed the story and character developments 90% of the time up to the final episode where i did not like the idea of Deities resurrection. The final episode looks like a sci-fi game rather than Slice Of Life.
The game is still amazing though. My favourite girls are Aine and Gwen. Since the title of the game involve Aine, Gwen and Emma so i hope both Aine and Gwen also get their own solo ending like Emma's.
Can't wait for next chapter. Donation has been made to support NiiChan and the game
When I open the game I just get a white screen and the game is not responding
Originally, I played adult games because I had sexual desire, but this game made me feel love. it was full of love, and the sex scene was just a better embellishment. after playing this game, I became more restrained because I saw the meaning of life. Thank you to the author. I was very touched during the playing. When I have the financial ability after graduation, I will certainly sponsor the author.
is this diddy?
Who sicae characters appears in mbml?
Why don't you play it yourself instead of fishing out for spoliers?
Dear author, may I ask when the next version of this game will be updated?
The author will focus on the sicae first
Ok honest opinion here but story is kinda bad. I remember playing this game a year ago but couldn't remember why I dropped it. It took me about 10 minuets of playing to remind me why. The choices you make are irrelevant. It's not a choice based game, it's a story that, regardless of how you want it to go, forces you to take one path.
*slight spoilers ahead*
-Forces you to forgive your bully
-Forces you to accept your characters privacy being stepped on by Emma
-Choices don't really matter
To top it off, the MC just accepts everything he is told...like he is a robot rather than a human with emotions. Like who just forgives and forgets this crap.
Anyways, this is a story (or more specifically MC) you will either hate or love and I'm, unfortunately, am on the hating side.
p.s. -never finished the game so don't know if it actually gets good (which is why first impressions are EVERYTHING)
Nonsense opinion
It doesn't force you to forgive her, you can literally not be with the girl but that way you don't get any scenes with her and it doesn't make sense to forgive her either, if she didn't bully the MC then her mother who is a mafia would have hurt her friend and the MC himself in a worse way.
“Choices don't matter” You can literally even have an ending with Emma and decide which girl to keep, what did you expect DnD?
I understand that it is your opinion as you put it but it still seems too over the top to me to get to the point of “hate”.
If you want freedom of decisions play DnD, pathfinder or Baldurs Gate, if you want visual novel I only know Superhuman which has like 60 endings.
I probably should have been a bit more specific when I said "Choices don't really matter". What I mean was that the choices solely revolved around the potential relationships rather then the story (from what I played). Based on the comments the MC was making when he first reunited with the bully, it seemed like he wasn't really upset with her which confused and irritated me. I didn't want to forgive her but it felt like the game was telling and kind of forcing you to do so. Also, Emma invading you privacy by investigating you behind your back and then convincing the "Landlady" for them to live there for her own selfish reasons made me mad, not because of what she did, but how the MC reacted to it. It was like he was alright with her doing that. The game just kept throwing irritating scenario after irritating scenario at me, and considering I was playing to have fun and not just spend the entire playthrough angry, I decided to drop it. Like I mentioned before, I never beat the game or got too far to begin with so maybe it got better, but first impressions are everything and I got irritated enough to not care for what the future had.
Usually I play Adult games for horny and sexy moments, and yes there is A LOT in this one. But all I feel is love, pure love, which I have been seeking for and wonder if I may be lucky enough to have one of these angles in my arms. What I read from this stroy is saving and forgiveness, my friend you shuld write some novels, these game making things are slowing you down LOL. For a moment I felt like reading a masterpiece, you are incredable. However, too many information especially at the beginning could be a little bit sleepy, so maybe some jump scares or funny moments when it happens again? Oh and this is the first time I have seen taking harem as a noticeable topic and focus on how the girls would feel and react to this, you made a perfect solution for them to accept it, impressive.
but anyways a fantastic game, the story execution was fire bro, peak writing, god tier animation, goated characters and great cameos.
i really liked how i realized that they're the same universe as another goated game (ifykyk). i must say the story was amazing, how it went from a simple plot such as bullying to connection to the mafia, it unfolded very well. i must say the way you unfold sicae's story to this is wonderful.
one of a hell to write a story Mr. NiiChan, keep up the good work. can't wait for the new Sicae update!
The sex scenes with Sky, Aine, Gwen, and Moon are my favorites so far, but I'm hoping to see some with Lily and Klara. Visuals for the sex scenes are excellent, including the movements and panning the "camera" between different angles. The only recommendation I would make is to consider adding bodily sounds or moans to the sex scenes, as this would enhance the experience, though the scenes are still great without it. Donation made.
How did we get from bullies moving in into mf mafia, reincarnation, assassin's and deities wtf
My bully is my lover more like wtf is happening
So I did a reply of the story and just finished Emy's path/ending, and I'm actually about to cry.😭
Congrats NiiChan for making this amazing game bro 😭
If the overview sounds boring, play it anyway. It covers only part of the prologue, then shit gets WILD. I'm honestly not even sure what is going on anymore, but I love the characters, so in for a penny...
God, I just finished the prologue but damm it's a really good game. Emy's back story made me cry for real. I also love the references to other games. Now, there's a whole multiverse map in my head between these games. That said, keep up the good work man. I'll support you when i can.
a little interaction with Emy in the second half of the harem story.this really hurts my heart!the man ignores Emy!\(`Δ’)/
Well, you win some, you lose some, I guess.
update the link in discord :)) (btw your work is awesome i hope it have a walkthrough)
I dont really understand the chaptering. Download says Ch1 Ep4 so I expected it to end after Episode 4, but in the game I already started Episode 6, so how does it work? :D
Very good game by the way :)
This game is structured as the following:
A. Prologue, which contains Episode 1 - 7, and a choice that decides whether you'd like to continue the main story or go into Emma's solo endings (as of Sept 2024)
B. Chapter 1, which follows to Prologue's Episode 7. Chapter 1 contains 4 episodes.
Thus, as of Sept 2024, Chapter 1 EP4 is the latest update.
Chapter 2 is planned but dev is working on his other game, Sicae, which basically the prequel to the MBML universe timeline.
good instruction
This game giving me real thrill about the story because the end was not expected seriously looking forward to it l love plot twist scenario hahaha do your best buddy we love you so much and thanks for making this masterpiece ♥️🔥😼
I really loved the story, but I don't understand the ending, idk if there's a reason why but I feel like at least Leah's ending, which is the only one I got, is perfect and then the very last scene is like... Why add this now, I feel like it undermines the whole game in a way.
But it's still great, all the story relating to Emma is just amazing, one of the only games where I didn't even consider going for the harem ending lmao, and I regret nothing.
Last Leah's scene is probably a hint to Niichan's planned third game, I am not sure though.
There is another ending if you follow the main plot instead of Emma.
Updated but not really bc it still shows only episode 3. Guess I have to start new playthrough
Holy shit. I just finished part 1 of Chapter 1 Episode 1 and dear god. That was fucking phenomenal. I was skeptical at first, everything I read all across the internet said this game was outstanding. I wasn't skeptical about that, I could tell it was gonna be good just from looking at it and playing Sicae.
But they also said it was very emotional. That is what I was skeptical about but after experiencing Emma's story and reaching the previously mentioned point in the main story… I shouldn't have been skeptical at all. Holy shit did that throw me through every emotion possible, even brought me to tears a couple times too either frowning or smiling.
I will definitely be finishing this one when it comes out same with Sicae. 10/10
everyone will cry for Emy!
Eternum, Companion of Darkness, Once in a life time, and more easter eggs. And this one will also be in the list next year.
Why Yuki from Twisted Fates AVN in this game? Is this coincidence or just cameo?
Are we getting all four episodes with the download?
I think so. My game said it was updated but title screen stated it was episode 3. I uninstalled and installed the newest APK and it seems to have the latest except my progress is wiped
cant wait for chapter 2 hope they announce it
Truly a masterpiece, I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to play this game, thank you for making the game, I truly had a once-in-a-lifetime experience with it.
This is definitely the coolest game I have ever played and my favorite game. Thank you very much Niichan, we love you. Although my current income is not enough for me to sponsor, sorry.